Thursday, May 14, 2009

This Is For Ginny --- Corbans' Day at Grandmas' House

We made cinnamon / raisin bread
and oatmeal / butterscotch cookies
We did the laundry
Had to do a little bike repair to put the chain back on
Then off to the river for lunch
Sunshine, a sack lunch and a river! What more could you want?
A game of Pooh Sticks off the bridge . Of course Corban's stick won!!!
He has a pretty good throwing arm too
That's Strange! I don't remember that being there when I left.

Back at home for some popcorn and a movie

We had a GREAT DAY!!!!


Ninny said...

Thank you, thank you Mom! What adorable pictures of him. You are awesome. I am so glad he was in good hands with you.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great day! When do I get a day with Mom!!